The Original New Driver Sign
Made in the USA
The Original New Driver Sign
Satisfied customers since 2003!
Is your New / Student Driver constantly looking in the rear view mirror because of tailgaters?
Are you a little nervous driving with your son or daughter who just received their Driver's Permit?
If so, then this sign is for you!
"The sign works GREAT! I can't believe how much more patient other drivers are around us now!"
"Fast shipping, great quality sign. My new driver and myself thank you!"
"Thanks. Arrived today. I love them! We'll all feel much safer, I'm sure. Great product."
Web Price $11.95 - New Lower Price!!
Most orders shipped
same day!
(shipping $4.95 to US)
Here is an easy way to reduce the stress for a New Driver / Student Driver as well as you!
Most states have implemented a Graduated Licensing Program that requires new drivers to drive only with the supervision of a licensed adult for up to a year. If you are that licensed adult, you will truly appreciate having this sign on the back of the car!
New drivers usually drive the speed limit (exactly) when a more experienced driver behind them is wanting to go above the speed limit. This is when both you and the New Driver begin to feel very tense and nervous, caused by the tailgater.
Now your new driver is concentrating on the car behind, rather than all that is in front of them.
Having this sign on the back of your car will make people aware of the New Driver and create a much more comfortable distance between you and them.
As a parent of a 15 yr old with his permit, I quickly saw a need for this while he was driving with me. Once we put it on the car we were driving in, we both felt much more at ease, and other drivers gave him the extra space and understanding he needed as a new driver. Think of when you are driving and you see the "Student Driver" sign on a High School car. Doesn't that make you more aware of who is driving the car and to give them some extra space?
New Driver Sign Specs:
Flexible magnetic material for easy on,
easy off
Yellow background and black lettering make it easy to read
Dimensions - 15" x 5"
Easy to put on the back of your car or truck
Simply take it off when an experienced driver gets behind the wheel
Fits most vehicles on the trunk, tailgate or attach to the lower corner of the back window (kit included)
Satisfaction guaranteed! Money back if not
completely satisfied*
Made in the USA
Contact us for any specific requests or orders. We will make every effort to satisfy your needs!
Contact Info
NewDriverSign@ For larger orders we can put your Driving School name & number or Web Site etc. on the sign for advertising
We work with High Schools who sell this sign to students in their Driver's Education program as ongoing school fundraising efforts. Contact us for more info
Customizable with your specific High School name for orders of 100+ (eg. Go Saxons!)